Today I am crying for Africa
Today I am
crying for Africa …crying for a love lost.
Crying for
the rainbow nation I once believed in.
Crying for
the shared future I no longer want to be a part of.
wrote these words well before the tragic events of a few weeks ago – the police
killing of 34 striking miners at Marikana (and injuring of another 78). I am
appalled, although not at all surprised by the events that played out there
last week. What I am far more surprised about is the reactions of many of my
fellow South Africans – or in fact the LACK of reaction by most.
am embarrassed to be a South African sometimes… and never more so than to have
heard more discussion in the past weeks about the return of that ridiculous
melodrama, ‘Dallas’ (ironically about the so-called glamour of people in the
mining industry – yes, those very high up in the food chain)… than about the
tragic events (and the terrible conditions that have pushed workers into
embracing such violence) in our own local mining industry.
so wrong about the police opening fire on a bunch of violent hooligans?’ People
seem to be saying, or implying by their complete lack of outrage over the
tragic incident. Conversely, it is assumed that expressing outrage over the
massacre (yes, I am calling it that, as that is what it was - despite most
politicians and local media balking at the word) is a sort of soft-headed
support of violent people getting away with murder, literally.
before I go any further, let me state explicitly that this is NOT what I am
saying. But in a so-called democracy, there are many other ways for a
government and police force to deal with violence and law-breaking, without
resorting to killing the very people they are there to supposedly protect.
wrong with shooting a bunch of protesting miners, when they had been violent
and even apparently committed murder (two policemen were killed in the
preceding week)? SO MUCH. So many levels of wrong... I will list and explain as
briefly as I can – in this post, I will discuss the most obvious level first: DEMOCRATIC
my next few posts I will dig a bit deeper… looking at human rights discourse,
exploitation and structural violence, our violent culture, and the complacency
of those of us who should be speaking up for others whose voices are too often
ignored (politically and economically)]
1. Trigger
happy policemen make for a very scary country to live in.
seem only too happy to overlook the fact that all 34 victims were surely not
responsible for the murder of the 2 policemen in the preceding violent clashes.
AND even though many of the strikers brandished weapons and chanted threatening
slogans, this does not decisively prove that they intended commit murder. Anyway
‘intention’ is not generally thought of as good enough reason to be convicted
for a crime (over-the-top terrorism legislation aside – but that’s another conversation entirely).
I suspect the lack of outrage or concern expressed over trigger-happy policemen
may be due to the assumption that this would never be a problem for ‘decent’,
law-abiding citizens like ‘us’. Think again. Imagine living in a country where
a policeman felt entitled to shoot you, simply because he didn’t like the look
of you, or suspected you had been involved in something illegal, or you looked
particularly angry and dangerous that day… or you where even just in the wrong
place at the wrong time, caught in the cross-fire between police and
‘suspects’? Oh, oops, I think we already live in that country!
two fundamental concepts are fighting for space in my next paragraph – ‘the
right to a fair trial’, and the ‘social contract’. Where to begin, oh where to
begin – centuries of political and philosophical thought have led to some basic
building blocks for ‘civilised’ societies – and this horrible abuse of
authority and power by police (and the government which is ultimately
responsible for them) violates quite a few of these foundational principles.
‘social contract’ is the theoretical starting point for any government: we
citizens relinquish our individual rights to protect ourselves to the ‘state’ -
which promises to act on our behalf and protect us. In this manner we are
supposed to ensure a ‘civilised’ society, where people do not run around
shooting each other in anger or endless revenge cycles.
most legal systems the world over are based on the simple principle of
presuming that people are ‘innocent until proven guilty’. I shouldn’t need to
point out how ‘the right to a fair trial’ or ‘presumed innocence’ is trampled
on when police think they can simply shoot the ‘suspects’ instead of handing
them over to the legal system to run its course.
people on the spot means police also take on the roles of judge, jury and
executioner, which flies in the face of the basic democratic principle of ‘the
separation of powers’. The legislative, judicial and executive powers in a democratic
country are intentionally separated, to ensure that none of them become too
powerful. This is one of the many ‘checks and balances’ of so-called
democracies, which are aimed at avoiding all the power being concentrated in
one person or group (like a tyranny or oligarchy).
easy to imagine how without these democratic principles in place, there would
be much more corruption and nepotism, persecution of minority groups and so on…
Of course we know there is so much corruption in the world today, that these
‘checks and balances’ are about as powerful as we citizens who seem to have no
real say in the actual running of our countries, beyond casting our votes –
choosing between a bunch of people we don’t trust anyway…
the principles of a healthy, functioning democracy are more important now than
ever – they are the closest thing to a ‘moral compass’ our culture has left (in
a secular world where people no longer share the same spiritual or religious
beliefs to guide society).
I am amazed at the apparent lack of understanding shown in recent weeks by
South Africans – the very grounds of our so-called ‘democracy’ are being threatened,
people!! I studied Political Science, so I may be slightly ‘ahead of the pack’
here, but really, these are the very basics of democracy and politics, and
should be known to all. These are OUR rights and freedoms being trampled on!!
As Martin Luther King Jnr so rightly said: ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere’.
the police were defending themselves, and needed to take action in the first
place against the violent and perhaps unlawful actions of the miners (though I
wonder what is unlawful about a strike action – I don’t have all the facts, so
can’t comment for sure). However, there are other very effective strategies and
tools for doing so – for example, water cannon and teargas. These methods, although
quite horrible, at least sufficiently incapacitate people to then place them
under arrest – which is a far more tolerable approach for police in a so-called
democracy (if used only in these extreme circumstances of course, not against
unarmed people as is often the case).
all very well to say the police are ill-equipped and poorly trained (although
this is true), and try to paint the whole event as some completely unforeseen/
unintended tragedy… But you have to be a complete idiot not to have foreseen this. Anyway, the government is still
ultimately responsible and accountable for the police and their actions -
whether through gross incompetence, or ever-scarier levels of corruption (clearly
there is now some degree to which they are carrying out the wishes of the
transnational mining interests).
mean, no matter what anyone says happened on that day, all I keep thinking is:
who in their right mind sends a police force into a highly volatile situation
like this with live ammo in the first place? Unless intentionally of course, wanting
people killed… ahh, the plot thickens…